Dr. Annette Oschmann - Mediatorin und Einzel-Coach für bewusste Trennung

Find your own personal way with me as a mediator or as an individual coach for conscious uncoupling

I am there for you – as an individual coach for conscious separation, the signature Conscious Uncoupling Coaching or as a mediator.

I care about what moves you, heart and soul, with a lot of empathy and professionalism. You are important to me. And I know: there is always a solution, also for your situation. Because the solution lies in you.
I am by your side in conflicts, separations and divorces.
Dr. Annette Oschmann - Mediatorin und Einzel-Coach für bewusste Trennung

What will help me: mediation or Conscious Uncoupling Coaching?

My free download “Wo stehen Sie? 10 Minuten für mehr innere Klarheit bei Trennung und Scheidung” – available in German only

Here you will find a free download “Where do you stand? – 10 minutes for more inner clarity in divorce or separation“. You may use it as a tool for decision-making in a break-up situation. It will help you to understand many important aspects and some of the steps you may now take (available in German only).

Buch mit Titel Entscheidungshilfe bei Trennung

Conscious Uncoupling® – Get your life back

How to cope with separation or divorce by way of individual coaching

You are separated from your partner. Or shortly before, in the middle, shortly thereafter or you are still feeling the hurt of old wounds from a time that has long passed. If you want your heart to heal, come to Conscious Uncoupling Coaching. I’ll help you as a Certified Coach for Conscious Uncoupling. With my compassionate, experienced support you will find back to more strength and self-assurance. And discover ways to respectfully end your relationship – for yourself and everyone else involved.

In coaching, we address many issues: your feelings and needs, your self-esteem and self-confidence, personal responsibility, healthy boundaries and your patterns of behavior in partnerships.

My clients perceive this individual coaching for Conscious Uncoupling as a liberating and life-changing experience.

Foto Conscious Uncoupling Coaching - Einzel-Coaching bei Trennung und Scheidung

Worldwide known separation coaching method »Conscious Uncoupling®«

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Conscious Uncoupling” separation became well-known around the world in 2014. She and her husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin, parted peacefully, in mutual respect and shared responsibility for their children through “Conscious Uncoupling.” The actress went public on her blog “goop” to a worldwide audience.

»The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.«

Eleanor Roosevelt


Working together to find a sustainable and mutually acceptable solution

You have a conflict with someone: partners, business partners, bosses, employees, colleagues, predecessors or successors in the family business, neighbors, bowling friends, club brothers and sisters. And neither the argument nor the “someone” will just want to disappear like that. Then bring this “someone” to mediation under my guidance. With my professional support you will solve your issues, the conflict and the interpersonal relationship – sincerely, clearly and swiftly.

In a confidential atmosphere, without the publicity of a courthouse proceeding. With a lot of empathy for you and your topics and interests, I enable you to discover your own personal path to nerve-sparing conflict resolution. Quietly, prudently and efficiently.

Foto Mediationsitzung als nervenschonende Konfliktlösung

»There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.«

Leonard Cohen