Have you ever considered and formulated the values ​​you have? What values ​​does your partner have ? Or should have (when you’re single)?

Clarity about own and shared values ​​creates harmony inside and out.

When asked, most people say honesty is their most important value. Followed by integrity and loyalty.

Wonderful. Because now we are in the middle of it: what else is important to you? What about: safety, adventure, family, knowledge, appreciation, assertiveness, freedom, friendship …

It continues/goes on: these are your values. Do you live up to them? How? Do you take value-based decisions?

When you act detached from your values, you´ll realize that. You´ll feel uncomfortable. You start pondering. You wake up at night. You are not at peace with yourself.

If so, then set out on the journey to your values, for they are all there already. Trust in the journey.

When I moderate a discussion on values with a couple, the most astonishing developments are bound to happen. What values ​​do I stand for, what values ​​do you stand for, which ones do we share as a couple? How can everyone do that for themselves, how can we live this together?

This can be a real jolt in the partnership. A kick that allows a completely new, “value-adding”communication that ideally brings new closeness.

Particularly in a break-up situation, it can mark a turning point in (re)-discovering one’s own values: the start of a new, more authentic life.

Just start, find your values. Name them. And live them.


Picture credits: Pixabay / Engin_Akyurt