Toxic relationships

Toxic relationships

Partnerships are based on mutual attraction – inexplicable, magical, all at once. What everyone desires most deeply is an “attraction of inspiration” fed by benevolence, affection, eye-level and security. But there is also that other kind of...
The real reason why you are nagging

The real reason why you are nagging

Sometimes everything just gets to be too much: The bread crumbs in the kitchen, the worn socks in the bedroom, the open lipstick in the bathroom, not to mention toothpaste out of open lids or all the stuff around the house that could use a refill – you’ve...
Pamper yourself

Pamper yourself

You’re an achiever, aren’t you ? You perform all your duties, as an employee, a father or mother, as a partner, in institutions as a social being. The household is running smoothly, the children are fine, the daily program is always set. And there is...
You’re special

You’re special

You are special, unique, a sparkling diamond. Beautiful, smart, warmhearted. You have many wonderful qualities, many strengths, a few endearing weaknesses, you are an all-out wonderful human being. Someone special.This is a deep conviction of mine about human beings....
Who makes you happy?

Who makes you happy?

Happiness is a strange notion sometimes, isn´t it ? Are you feeling happy right now? Sometimes we don´t, sometimes we do, but that’s not a given. We think of happiness as something fleeting and often we look for it in outer appearances or we expect...
What do you stand for?

What do you stand for?

Have you ever considered and formulated the values ​​you have? What values ​​does your partner have ? Or should have (when you’re single)? Clarity about own and shared values ​​creates harmony inside and out. When asked, most...